The end of an era. Saying goodbye to our outdated living room.

I have just finished cleaning my living room for the last time. Well, maybe not the last, but the last time in its current outfit. It has brought up emotions I wasn’t expecting. Since moving in we have just been putting out fire after fire. I’ve never really stopped to consider all that the house has seen. These walls hold the stories of the families who lived here before us. They have seen heartache and joy. They hold a precious history that is hard to put into words.

I’m finding myself sad to see all the pieces to this room go. I have been in such a whirl wind state I haven’t really sat down to acknowledge and appreciate all this house has done for us. Too preoccupied with all the fixes it needs.

In the short time we have been here this room has been its name sake, theater, ballroom, spa, bedroom, and storage when we needed it. This house is special. It’s a hug on a cold night, and a cool breeze in the heat. A window into the vast beautiful world.

I know that this house needs and desrves a renovation, but for now I want to sit in appreciation of all it has done past, present, and will in the future. I hope I can put back more than what I’m taking out. Not in monetary value, but in love and care. I hope my choices can give this house another 50+ years. This house is a home and a home is where you feel the most loved.


  1. What a beautiful story to share. The thoughts of what a home is to you. I look forward to see what love you will pour into this room for years to come so that the next homeowner will come to love as well.

  2. Thank you for your perspective! My house was built in 1955 and was a one family home the entire time. It was owned by a family that I grew up down the street and now I see it as grandpa and grandmas house that people gathered! ♥️

    • Yes! I love that Natalie! It’s so easy to get caught up in what are home aren’t that we sometime forget what they are and have been for us and others. I can imagine that you’re home is filled with just as much love and family as Grandma and Grandpa’s. A beautiful legacy.

  3. I’m excited for your journey and glad you are taking the time to enjoy each phase of your home. Your spirit of gratitude and honoring the legacy of your home is such a beautiful story to share. Thanks for letting us see it unfold!

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