I chose The chicken life

I have either made the best decision of my life or the worst. Come March I will be responsible for not 1, not 2, but 9, yes NINE baby chicks! How did I end up here? Well, ever since we moved to Washington my kids and I have talked about wanting a small flock. I just needed time to work on other house projects before introducing any more onto my plate.

The past year has had me realizing I need to shift priorities and focus on my health (mental and physical) and family. There are so many causes and people I want to continue showing up for and I cant do that if my tank is on empty.

Along with focusing on my health I also want to move away from relying on mega corporations for my food. I wont be able to completely get away from them, and that’s not my goal. My goal is to simply cut out businesses that don’t align with the world I hope to pass on to the next generation. I am also egg-cited to be able to provide eggs to other families in my community. I’m not sure how I’m going to go about this just yet, but I’ve got a few ideas simmering.

Now that we have chicks ordered, I need to get going on building my coop. Steve (my lover) found this plan. We cant let our chickens free range without us there so we chose a coop design with plenty of run space. Coupled with the rainy PNW winters I think we made a solid choice, but only time will tell.

We will add a few modifications and I’ll likely paint it an obnoxious color or 2. I spent all weekend trying out different combo’s. These are just a few of the solid colors I did, but I have about 100 different versions saved in my camera roll. Ha! I’ll keep you updated here as I go. Let me know if you have chickens and a tip or two you wish you had known as a beginner. Thanks!