How my month with out social media is going

Have you ever watched Alone? If you haven’t let me paint you a picture. A dozen or so wilderness trained hopefuls go out into aforementioned wilderness to tough it out for an indeterminate amount of time. They slowly starve and miss their families until they have either given up or get pulled for almost dying. The winner gets a shit ton of money, and an army of intestinal parasites.

While I would never be able to tough it in the wilderness for any amount of time, the past 11 days have been a lot like Alone for me. Except the parts that weren’t at all like Alone. Which was most of them.

During their time in isolation many if not all the contestants have moments of clarity and self reflection. The past 11 days have been that for me. Maybe not so much the few days following daylight savings, but for sure the 1st week. Nothing very exciting, but in case you are curious, here are a few of the things I wrote down throughout my days.

My takeaways thus far

The above isn’t a super in depth or extensive list of my first week off socials, it was still very interesting to look back on. Even on day 11 as I write this.

The thing I noticed the most was how much clearer and less scattered my thoughts were. I realized how often I reach for my phone when feeling stressed and how that was making the problem worse because my brain was never truly resting. Even though I replaced doom scrolling with playing solitaire, my brain only had to be semi engaged. Giving me time to actually process and decompress.

Everything was going amazing and then daylight savings really sucked it up. That and overdoing it working in the yard on the 8th. My carpal tunnel is NOT happy with me over that one. Regardless I know I’m not the only one affected by the time change, and will acclimate eventually.

To end here’s a cute little picture collage summarizing my week. The finished slugs I painted for my local art councils fundraiser. Steves birthday cake. The audio book of the week. Fresh bread. My future kitchen garden plans.

If you’ve made it this far, Thank you for reading my meanderings. I hope you are finding what you need to get through these strange times.

Hugs, Brick

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